Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finer details of "The Project" a bit of a preview. Cool places for Halloween.

Allright i guess we can start off with the good stuff. I have been having these visions over the last couple of days on what a real horror movie has to achieve. I have been sharing some of these with you readers but now i will actually give a slight preview of what it is that me  and Mr.Jewart will be working on. Please give me some feedback.

"The Project" ( this is just a codename by the way not at all the title of the movie) will be basically centered on entering the psychological senses of the audience. There are two basic responses that your brain goes into when it senses danger or in this case distress from the movie. Fight or Flight. Unfortunately for you, you will have to stick around and let the movie fuck your mind up. Bits and pieces of The Project include a major US or foreign city as the setting. There will be a sort of underground society who all in all keep to themselves. These "people" are normal like anyone else in their day jobs, and sorry to dissapoint but they dont have any sort of superpowers and are not sexy like any of the Twilight hunks. Just regular people like you and me. There will also be a group of outsiders who for some reason gather some interest in the activities that this underground society partakes on night after night. This is where it gets interesting. The movie will be shot in FIRST PERSON VIEW. which i think might be a whole new concept to the movie industry, many of you might be familiar with First Person video games, so i guess it can compare. One of the outsiders will basically be the audiences eyes throught the whole movie. This group of outsiders is invited to follow the society around one night and what they uncover will explain alot of questions we all have. The movie will scare you because it will truly make you fear the night. It will make you fear being alone in an alley or even walking to your class from a night class. These people are not boogeymen or ghosts, they are HUMAN. For this reason we should fear them because GHOSTS are a matter of belief, on the other hand there are proven HUMANS out there who have commited unspeakable evil acts; and these people might still be roaming the night. In a nutshell this is what the movie will center upon and i think the persepctive that First Person View will give the movie, will truly make it interesting.

Theres alot of work to be done and this is still pieces and bits, but believe me i truly think that this has got some potential. Let me know what you guys think and if you would truly be interested in seeing something like this.

Moving ON, last year i went to the Eastern Pennitentary in Philly and it was pretty cool. The price i believe is decent and i actually got to go for $5 since my school (Kean) sponsored a school trip. The whole thing is very interesting and the place has some actual history behind it. From the moment you wait in line outside the walls waiting for the ticket booth youll encounter some of the ghouls who will be following you inside the walls. Truly worth the trip, and worth the ticket price a very interesting and fun experience. Be sure to check it and whatever you do bring a poket flashlight because from what i remember you will be in a pitch black hallway and you need to find your way out, this is one of the best parts.

Easter State Penn. in Philly DEFINATELY a place to check out for HAlloWeen.

I will post another cool place to go to in the city this time, tomorrow at some point, check back and if your not a follower yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!

Good Night Everyone

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Movie in the Making, Lookout for next Project.

Ok not much of a chance to update anything today but i did have time to trow around some ideas as far as a new movie script went. Ryan Jewart finally woke up and sees that the last 20 years have not features any GOOD horror movies, other than Paranormal. A horror movie has to achieve a very natural effect on the people who watch them. The audience needs to be in fear, the movie needs to bring out the most essential human instincts and play with the psychology of the human mind. The movie must also contain very likable characters and doesnt need to show blood and guts to be effective. Without giving too much away let me just say that Mr.Jewart and  myself will be going to work on the next big thing in the Horror genre. A film that will truly make you look twice when your walking to your car after a late night of work. I had some different ideas and still do but i think that the groundwork is allready there and the way the movie is filmed will also play a big factor in the movie's success. I like to thank anyone out there who is following this blog, and like i said i would like you all to contribute and give us all your opinions, lets open the floor up for discussions. Please get the word out that this blog will trow around movie ideas and more importantly will keep updating horror movie reviews. We will review the movies in a very simplistic way, should you waste your money or not. Let us do the work for you!

Hope you all have a good night

PS I have added a search box on the left, here you can search the database in case your looking for a specific review that has been written a week or two ago. This tool will make it easy for anyone to navigate the blog by searching for keywords.

Monday, October 12, 2009

3D Horror Movies & More Paranormal

Ok really what is the deal with this new genre? Last i saw on 3D was the stupid Bloody Valentine movie. The 3D glasses really just annoy me, and i think are not necessary. I have gotten word recently that there are some classics that are gonna be made in 3D soon.Halloween, Resident Evil, Night of the Living Dead. Now i dont see the need to make some of these films in such a way. Dont get me wrong i think that the idea of a horror movie in 3D sounds good, but i dont think that it can really be done tastefully...YET. I'm also scared that these franchises will be somewhat ridiculed for lending themselves to such a horrible thing. The sad part is that alot of people will still see them just for curiosity and be hugely dissapointed. Well i will be looking forward to these movies so i can say I TOLD YOU SO! Also on my mind tonight is still Paranormal, and the simplicity of the film. To this day it has been about 3 nights since i have watched it and the movie is still vivid on my mind. I get really angry at thinking that its been soooo long since any other horror movies have made me feel this way. The point of horror movies are just that to leave a negative impression on you, to make you feel thankful that your not in the characters shoes, and to make you check your closet at night. I really talk alot about making better movies but i really think that its time i back these statements up.  I have a couple of good ideas for the next blockbuster horror film. Let's just say that Vampires wont seem so sexy anymore after i'm done with my movie. I'm thinking of implementing the idea of First Person Horror View in this new project and perhaps make a dark, and gothic movie. Well ill b working on this so i will fill you all in on the progress, in the meanwhile we hope that this blog keeps growing and growing so that we can all benefit from their opinions and stories.

Good Night

The Exorcist: the version you never seen

Time to review the scariest movie of all time. In my opionion no one can compare or create something more truely terrifying. Well I have seen this movie countless times but it still creeps me out.

THe movie starts off with a priest in iran at the site of an old church in which they are diggging up to find artifacts. THey find a little devilish head in the ground which symbolizes satan. Then the movie switches to present day in the 70's in Georgetown. It centers around a mother who is a famous actress and her daughter reagan. The movie starts off pretty slow then around like 20-30 mins in Reagan starts to act weird. She goes to the hospital and docs do a bunch of test but nothing is found. Then BAM she turns all demon status. Crazy shit starts to happen like reagan walks down stairs one nite during a party and she pisses all over the floor, then her bed starts to rock up and down. Then the best scene in horror movie HISTORY happens, The infamous spider walk down the stairs. Truely scary as hell but amazingly done. As the movie starts to progress you can see reagan start to look possessed as if satan himself is in her. Her face becomes pale and she starts to talk in latin and demonish. Many people try to help her but all fail. The doctor then recommends an Exorcism. Then a priest named Damien aka. Dimmy(who just lost his mother and is loosing his own faith) attempts to help this girl, and Father Merrian from the beginning of the movie helps along to. They both see reagan and they suspect that a demon is not possessing her but SAtan himself. The other infamous scene in movie history happens when she vomits all over DAmien and FAther Merrian. All and all i dont want to give up the ending but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TO ALL HORROR LOVERS!!! After seeing this ALONE you wont be able to lay in bed without thinking of the possibility of it starting to shake. I give this movie a PErfect 10/10.
I will be reviewing movies as much as i can if you have any movies that you might want reviewed so you dont have to spend money on a shitty movie just email me

Top 10 Scariest movies of all time

1. The Exorcist
2. Paranormal Activity
3. The Shining
4. Friday the 13th. Part 2
5. Halloween(original)
6. Halloween II(original)
7. Silence of the Lambs
8. Poltergiest
9. The Evil Dead
10. The Omen(original)

note: The Exorcist and Paranormal Activity are def. the best movies ever made. I highly recommend you check them both out.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trick 'R' Treat Review & More

Ok first off saw the movie Trick 'r' Treat last night and lets say that i was amused. The movie garners a 7 out of 10 from me. It is not scary at all in my point, maybe it has to do because im still shaking from Paranormal, but it didnt scare me. The movie did have alot of unique characters and it followed four main stories through the film. There were zombies, a serial killer, werewolves, and even a pumpkin boy. It was a truly unique experience and really the characters made it worthwhile. There were minor moments of gore and blood. Like i said if you have an hr and a half to kill at home then its worth a rent, but try to find it in one of those $1 machines or even on netflix if you got that because it will be cheaper. Dont expect to be scared, instead you'll b amused. Next thing im a fan of the Boston Red Sox and unfortunately our baseball season ended today because our lead was blown away in the 8th and 9th innings. I have little else to say other than baseball season is over for me. Let's go Eagles! We have an easy two games coming up so I'm excited about them . Thursday nights i play a little Texas Hold 'Em and lets say that this week i was beaten by a pair of 8's. I was dealt poket ACES which is the best hand you can start with. Being middle stack in the Final Table of our tournament i pushed a raise to slow play the hand. I was called and then i went all in after the flop. The guy who had called me help Poket 8's and he was dealt another 8 on the River ( The last card on the table) . Therefor i experienced what we call in the poker world a BAD BEAT. O yes one more thing i have invited a friend of mine of to be a Co-Blogger, Mr.Ryan Jewart so be on the lookout for his postings. I will be opening up the floor for any other aspiring bloggers also and hopefully create a multi blogger experience here on WHATS ON YOUR MIND.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Person Horror Films

Ok honestly i had some real good ideas for some horror movies in the last couple of years. I never do anything more with them because I'm lazy. However one of my ideas was to create a horror movie where the entire film was seen from only the main characters perspective. This is not the same as POV movies which are like Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch, or even Cloverfield. This is because in those movies the character are aware that they are holding a camera and shooting the entire movie from their cameras perspective. I think without the character holding a camera it would make it sick because the audience would only experience what the main character is always experiencing which makes it real twisted! Umm idk if the techonology is there to do such a film but in any case i think this would be an amazing leap into more original horror films. Give me your feedback and i hope that you all understood what i was trying to convey. That is all for now.