Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finer details of "The Project" a bit of a preview. Cool places for Halloween.

Allright i guess we can start off with the good stuff. I have been having these visions over the last couple of days on what a real horror movie has to achieve. I have been sharing some of these with you readers but now i will actually give a slight preview of what it is that me  and Mr.Jewart will be working on. Please give me some feedback.

"The Project" ( this is just a codename by the way not at all the title of the movie) will be basically centered on entering the psychological senses of the audience. There are two basic responses that your brain goes into when it senses danger or in this case distress from the movie. Fight or Flight. Unfortunately for you, you will have to stick around and let the movie fuck your mind up. Bits and pieces of The Project include a major US or foreign city as the setting. There will be a sort of underground society who all in all keep to themselves. These "people" are normal like anyone else in their day jobs, and sorry to dissapoint but they dont have any sort of superpowers and are not sexy like any of the Twilight hunks. Just regular people like you and me. There will also be a group of outsiders who for some reason gather some interest in the activities that this underground society partakes on night after night. This is where it gets interesting. The movie will be shot in FIRST PERSON VIEW. which i think might be a whole new concept to the movie industry, many of you might be familiar with First Person video games, so i guess it can compare. One of the outsiders will basically be the audiences eyes throught the whole movie. This group of outsiders is invited to follow the society around one night and what they uncover will explain alot of questions we all have. The movie will scare you because it will truly make you fear the night. It will make you fear being alone in an alley or even walking to your class from a night class. These people are not boogeymen or ghosts, they are HUMAN. For this reason we should fear them because GHOSTS are a matter of belief, on the other hand there are proven HUMANS out there who have commited unspeakable evil acts; and these people might still be roaming the night. In a nutshell this is what the movie will center upon and i think the persepctive that First Person View will give the movie, will truly make it interesting.

Theres alot of work to be done and this is still pieces and bits, but believe me i truly think that this has got some potential. Let me know what you guys think and if you would truly be interested in seeing something like this.

Moving ON, last year i went to the Eastern Pennitentary in Philly and it was pretty cool. The price i believe is decent and i actually got to go for $5 since my school (Kean) sponsored a school trip. The whole thing is very interesting and the place has some actual history behind it. From the moment you wait in line outside the walls waiting for the ticket booth youll encounter some of the ghouls who will be following you inside the walls. Truly worth the trip, and worth the ticket price a very interesting and fun experience. Be sure to check it and whatever you do bring a poket flashlight because from what i remember you will be in a pitch black hallway and you need to find your way out, this is one of the best parts.

Easter State Penn. in Philly DEFINATELY a place to check out for HAlloWeen.

I will post another cool place to go to in the city this time, tomorrow at some point, check back and if your not a follower yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!

Good Night Everyone

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