Saturday, October 10, 2009

Paranormal Activity Review

Allright Paranormal Activity 9 out of 10. Let me explain myself here. I understand the hype that the movie had to live up to i really do and it did in my opinion. I dont want to spoil the movie for anyone but lets just say that to this day the only other movie scarier than Paranormal Activity is the original Exorcist. This film had comedy which really makes it enjoyable bcus ur not sitting there being depressed all movie long .Also it had character which i think we can all really relate to ,and the events that took place seemed so credible because everyone sleeps in their bedroom and this is where the majority of the film took place. The storyline is entertaining but at times there are parts that the movie could have done without. All in all lets say that after watching it last night i didnt have a very pleasent sleep. Whether u love horror movies like myself or if your in for a good scare this movie is worth the $10 ull spend in the theather.

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