Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trick 'R' Treat Review & More

Ok first off saw the movie Trick 'r' Treat last night and lets say that i was amused. The movie garners a 7 out of 10 from me. It is not scary at all in my point, maybe it has to do because im still shaking from Paranormal, but it didnt scare me. The movie did have alot of unique characters and it followed four main stories through the film. There were zombies, a serial killer, werewolves, and even a pumpkin boy. It was a truly unique experience and really the characters made it worthwhile. There were minor moments of gore and blood. Like i said if you have an hr and a half to kill at home then its worth a rent, but try to find it in one of those $1 machines or even on netflix if you got that because it will be cheaper. Dont expect to be scared, instead you'll b amused. Next thing im a fan of the Boston Red Sox and unfortunately our baseball season ended today because our lead was blown away in the 8th and 9th innings. I have little else to say other than baseball season is over for me. Let's go Eagles! We have an easy two games coming up so I'm excited about them . Thursday nights i play a little Texas Hold 'Em and lets say that this week i was beaten by a pair of 8's. I was dealt poket ACES which is the best hand you can start with. Being middle stack in the Final Table of our tournament i pushed a raise to slow play the hand. I was called and then i went all in after the flop. The guy who had called me help Poket 8's and he was dealt another 8 on the River ( The last card on the table) . Therefor i experienced what we call in the poker world a BAD BEAT. O yes one more thing i have invited a friend of mine of to be a Co-Blogger, Mr.Ryan Jewart so be on the lookout for his postings. I will be opening up the floor for any other aspiring bloggers also and hopefully create a multi blogger experience here on WHATS ON YOUR MIND.


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