Monday, October 12, 2009

Top 10 Scariest movies of all time

1. The Exorcist
2. Paranormal Activity
3. The Shining
4. Friday the 13th. Part 2
5. Halloween(original)
6. Halloween II(original)
7. Silence of the Lambs
8. Poltergiest
9. The Evil Dead
10. The Omen(original)

note: The Exorcist and Paranormal Activity are def. the best movies ever made. I highly recommend you check them both out.

1 comment:

  1. Yes i have to agree with some of your choices up there. Exorcist as number 1 and Paranormal as number 2 are a lock. The Shining is up there but i think it is more disturbing than scary. Rosemary's baby and the Omen also belong up there. Exorcism of Emily Rose i thought was very interesting and well done. As much as other dont agree i think Blair Witch belongs up there also purely because it was a fresh movie in such a genre. Halloween i think is the scaries of the 80s classics. Nightmare on Elm St. in my opinion where always better than Friday the 13th. Your forgetting some of the original Japanese movies such as the eye, and ringu 1. Evil Dead 1 is also great along with Poltergeist. Silence of the Lambs i dont think id consider horror, but its def. one of my all time favorites. I think that Bram Stokers Dracula was done beautifully and remain on that list. Although i think we can both make a better and darker Dracula movie. :0)
