Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Movie in the Making, Lookout for next Project.

Ok not much of a chance to update anything today but i did have time to trow around some ideas as far as a new movie script went. Ryan Jewart finally woke up and sees that the last 20 years have not features any GOOD horror movies, other than Paranormal. A horror movie has to achieve a very natural effect on the people who watch them. The audience needs to be in fear, the movie needs to bring out the most essential human instincts and play with the psychology of the human mind. The movie must also contain very likable characters and doesnt need to show blood and guts to be effective. Without giving too much away let me just say that Mr.Jewart and  myself will be going to work on the next big thing in the Horror genre. A film that will truly make you look twice when your walking to your car after a late night of work. I had some different ideas and still do but i think that the groundwork is allready there and the way the movie is filmed will also play a big factor in the movie's success. I like to thank anyone out there who is following this blog, and like i said i would like you all to contribute and give us all your opinions, lets open the floor up for discussions. Please get the word out that this blog will trow around movie ideas and more importantly will keep updating horror movie reviews. We will review the movies in a very simplistic way, should you waste your money or not. Let us do the work for you!

Hope you all have a good night

PS I have added a search box on the left, here you can search the database in case your looking for a specific review that has been written a week or two ago. This tool will make it easy for anyone to navigate the blog by searching for keywords.

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